Participated in 14th India Innovation Summit 2018 (12-13 July 2018)
An Exclusive Summit & Exhibition on Innovation, Technology, AI, IOT, etc. to showcase Innovative products and services organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The Summit has grown to International, as there were participation from more than 10 countries such as; Israel, Sweden, Singapore, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, France, Brazil, China, Korea, etc. Exhibition was inaugurated by Our Hon'ble Minister Mr. K.J. George (Minister of Large & Medium Scale Industries, Sugar, It & BT, Science & Technology).
Hon'ble Minister Mr. K.J. George, Mr. S Gopalakrishnan & Mr. Vijay K Thadani were some of the eminient visitors to RSolutions pavallion and had interactive session with Mr. Badal Raja on RSolutions Products & Services Offerings.