
Innovation Summit

Participated in 14th India Innovation Summit 2018 (12-13 July 2018)

An Exclusive Summit & Exhibition on Innovation, Technology, AI, IOT, etc. to showcase Innovative products and services organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The Summit has grown to International, as there were participation from more than 10 countries such as; Israel, Sweden, Singapore, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, France, Brazil, China, Korea, etc. Exhibition was inaugurated by Our Hon'ble Minister Mr. K.J. George (Minister of Large & Medium Scale Industries, Sugar, It & BT, Science & Technology).

Hon'ble Minister Mr. K.J. George, Mr. S Gopalakrishnan & Mr. Vijay K Thadani were some of the eminient visitors to RSolutions pavallion and had interactive session with Mr. Badal Raja on RSolutions Products & Services Offerings.


2nd Edition of IT Buyer Seller Meet 2013

An Exclusive Exhibition of Cost Effective IT Solutions & Products organized by CII, Bangalore on 3rd December 2013 at Hotal Lalit Ashok.


Most Promising Web Development Company in Bangalore

RSolutions has been rated Most Promising Web Development Company in Bangalore for 2013.


Participated in WACIA Industrial Expo 2013 (10-12 Jan 2013)

RSolutions participated in WACIA Industrial Expo 2013 from 10-12 Jan 2013 to showcase its products and services launched for SME market segment. RSolutions received good response for their products & services.


Most Promising Web Development Company in Bangalore

RSolutions has been rated Most Promising Web Development Company in Bangalore for 2012.


Participated in PIA Expo 2012 (17-18 Feb 2012)

RSolutions participated in PIA Expo 2013 from 17-18 Feb 2012 to showcase its products and services launched for SME market segment. RSolutions received good response for their products & services.


Rated amongest the Top 100 Small Businesses of the Year 2011
(17-18 Oct 2011)

RSolutions is rated amongest the Top 100 Small Businesses of the Year 2011 in an event organized by Franchise India in association with Zee Business at Hotel Novatel, Mumbai. RSolutions was among the top 3 contenders list for Small Business Awards.